Book Launch Party to Reach the Stars
The masterpiece of literature that you just published won’t
move off the shelf by itself. You need to let the world know that it is out
there. This is where the book launch party comes into play; it was the first
major action I undertook to reach my goal of selling 200 copies of my book, Frankenstein’s Science Project. “Moving forward” on actions identified in your action
plan represents the first M in the DREAMS Cycle ™ as discussed
in previous posts.
Publicist, publishers and marketers will tell you that the
book launch is the culmination of a sustained effort to market your book before
it is available for broad distribution. The Book Launch Party is that fun event
that celebrates your accomplishment of having published your book. It is part
of a publicity campaign. The book launch party for an author is a bit like a
wedding party. You invite all your friends and family to celebrate a major
achievement. Here are a couple articles on book launch parties: Writer’s Digest and The Book Designer.
With my limited time and budget, my book launch party was
more on the low key side. These are the elements I considered.
I selected a time for the party that was going to insure
that my book would be available for purchase on Amazon. I estimated this would
take 6-8 weeks after I officially approved the proof from the publishing
platform I used, Lulu. It actually only
took three weeks for Amazon
to carry my book. I chose the Saturday afternoon after Easter to ensure my
friends and family would be available. The actual event was from 2 to 3 pm.
There are different places to hold a book launch party. Common
locations include a book store, a hall, or in my case a library. I chose the
local library branch as people in my neighborhood are familiar with it. The
advantage of the local library is that you can rent a decent meeting room for
little money. I only paid $37.50 for a two-hour window to allow for the set-up,
the 1-hour party, and the clean-up. The disadvantage is that at the branch I
was, they did not really care and I was not even allowed to advertise anywhere
in the library.
I had a date and I had a location, now I needed to get
people there. I created an 8-1/2 color poster that I could send around by email
or to post at various locations.
To add to the appeal of a book launch party for a kid’s
Frankenstein book, I linked it to the 200th Anniversary of the original Frankenstein’s book by Mary Shelley.
I sent out emails to family and friends, as well as parents
of my children’s friends. I sent out about a dozen of those invitations. I also
sent along paper copies with my two youngest kids so that they could bring it
to their classmates. My wife was even more diligent than me and sent out more
than a dozen invitations. I posted the advertising on a communal board at work.
I sent out the invitation to the local community newspaper. Unfortunately, as
the posters were sent out too late for their publishing date, they were not
included in time.
I posted the event on Eventbrite.
That is a great site as it is free to post if there is no charge to attend the
event. I also posted on a couple of online local events pages for Ottawa. These
events posting however did not bring anyone to the launch as I knew everyone
that showed up for the launch. One person inquired about the event beforehand,
but in the end did not show up.
Before the event, I needed to ensure that there would be
enough copies of the book to sell at the launch. I already had a dozen copies
so I ordered another 20 from Lulu. With over 30 books, I figured I had enough
for a 1-hour event.
The last thing I needed to prepare was my presentation and
speech. I had initially thought that I could present a video trailer for the
book, but in the time I had, I could not produce the quality video that I
wanted, so I dropped that idea. I then settled for a short speech followed by a
reading. The speech was on the genesis for my Frankenstein book and the efforts
of trying to get it published through traditional publishers. I thanked people
who made the book possible like my wife, my editors and my kids. I made this
light and funny going as far as including some Frankenstein Jokes. I
then read Chapter 4 of the book, which is my favorite, and the same one I had read at the Ottawa Independent Writers
Reading Night.
Event day
The day of the event, I was nervous that no one would show
up. I had tempered my expectations hoping for a dozen people and selling 10
books. The library had no signage and we were not allowed to post anything the
day of the launch. The librarian was not even aware there was an event that day.
With the help of my wife, my kids, my sister,
brother-in-law, nephew, niece, we set up a table where my books were displayed
and where people could buy a copy. I also had a box for people to put their
names in for a free copy of the book. We set up a table with juice box drinks
and the cake. The book launch also gave me an opportunity to sell a memoir of
my running, Take10 and Reach the Boston Marathon.
As family and friends showed up with their kids, I felt
blessed to have such supportive people surrounding me. Friendly neighbors even
showed up, and even a friend of my sister. About 25 people showed up.
As I welcomed people and started my speech, held firmly in
my hand, my wife at the back of the room gestured with her hands to slow down.
When I am nervous, I tend to speak softly and fast. After my 15 minutes
presentation, jokes and the reading of Chapter 4, I signed some books and
talked to as many people as I could. We also cut the cake and handed it out.
In the end, I sold 15 copies of Frankenstein’s Science
Project at $10 each and four copies of Take 10 and Reach the Boston Marathon,
also at $10 each. I made $190 that day. Considering the cost of the book at
$5.62 and the cost of the room and food, I made a profit of about $40.
Following the launch party, my sister, bless her heart,
bought 15 copies of the Frankenstein book for a charity that gives books to
underprivileged kids. I also sold two additional copies of the book to people
at the event who did not have cash at the time.
The book launch is also meant to generate excitement about
your book, so I posted a picture on my Facebook
author page of me reading during the launch party.
Although nowhere comparable to my wedding day, the book
launch party was the highlight of my writing days. I highly recommend it, even
if it is just to celebrate a major accomplishment like self-publishing your
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